What impressed you most about Singaporean ladies?

Min Wong, Knows where to have good coffee and cake
Answered November 15, 2020

Assuming that men should answer this question, I’ll step up and do it. Well, there are many ways to answer what is so impressive about ladies from Singapore. And many things come to mind when you get to know them.

Southeast Asian Lady

So, let me tell you what impressed me about Singaporean ladies the most.

What Is so Impressive About Singaporean Girls and Women at First Glance?

First of all, it is the style many of them maintain in public. The Garden City’s girls and women follow fashion trends and tend to themselves. Their hairstyle is on the modern side, the garment they wear is always ironed, and their footing indicates confidence. 

Thus, your eye will follow them most of the time, whether you do it consciously or not. 

Meeting Singaporean Ladies Inflates Your Good Impression

Since ladies from Singapore are well-educated, most of them anyway, they are very likely to impress you more in time. Many of them attend or have graduated from the city-state’s first-class universities. Thus, they make knowledgeable companions.

As friendly and approachable, they are easy to start communicating with. And, as individuals with various interests, they can talk with you about many things. 

If you engage in talk with them long enough, you are bound to notice a couple of things:

  • The Lion City’s gentler gender values peace
  • They are open-minded, which makes them pleasant collocutors
  • The island nation’s females don’t have racial nor religious prejudices

Females from Singapore are Independent

It won’t take you long to realize that Singaporean ladies are self-aware and independent. You will find many of them working for reputable companies and, thus, enjoying financial stability.

In line with this, they typically don’t strive to marry a rich guy but rather evaluate their prospective partner’s personality. It’s not that they would shy away from males earning a lot, though. But spending time with such men is more likely to relate to their versatility and capability instead of wealth.

So, unmarried Singaporean ladies are prone to attach to your character rather than the wallet.

They Are Cosmopolitan to the Bone

One thing that immediately comes to mind about the Merlion City is its residents’ multiethnic and multireligious character. As we know, conflicts and intolerance happen in far less diverse nations throughout the world. The conclusion is obvious, right?

The Singaporean females are very cosmopolitan and tolerant toward people practicing different beliefs and customs. 

OK, you will find districts inhabited by one or another minority in the island nation. Most famous are Chinatown, Little India, and Kampong Glam (Muslim quarter), areas popular among expatriates, not to mention. Yet, you can see people from these places mingling anywhere, even lone ladies walking at night freely.

What’s the Catch, Then?

If you got the impression that Singaporean ladies are perfect, I don’t blame you. While they surely deserve a high grade for everything mentioned so far, the Lion City’s girls and women have shortages. But, how obvious those become depends on how deep you are willing to dig. 

If you are a male and get stuck in an argument, for example, they might call you names and do their best to make you feel bad about yourself. Also, some young women don’t have a high opinion about young men graduating from Singapore’s private universities. And that is strange since some of the city-state’s private colleges are the best in the world. 

One way or another, exceptions always exist, and you will, more often than not, have a pleasant time around Singaporean ladies. And, if you don’t mind occasional outbursts, maybe you would want to date a Merlion City’s young or mature woman

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